Thursday, April 7, 2011

What's in a name?

I realized that most people do not understand what "A Little Pixed Um" even means. Well I'm going to tell you. It actually means, "A Little Mixed Up", but the letters are a little mixed up...

Um is not secretly a supernatural animal or being.
Pixed does not describe this Um in any way. It does not mean "fairy dusted" and does not categorize any specific breed of the Um.
The "Pixed Um" is not even "little", despite the fact that it is blatantly stated right in the title...

I hope I did not dash your dreams of what little wonders my blog's name had secretly stood for. True, there are many possibilities, so who am I to say my way of seeing it is the one and only way? If you feel like you have a better idea of what it means, or if it has a special meaning just to you, leave me a comment. The crazier the better. You just might be able to change my mind. Just maybe.


  1. Um... is it a metaphor for our bleak political realities?

    ... or does it just mean you have the best husband in the world?!

  2. a pyx is a special container used--12th century or so--for coins that are samples of British mint until tested for purity and weight, or alternately the Eucharist (Catholic church sacrament wafers) other words a pyx is a very special pixed a blog with very special little things you've always wanted to say?

  3. Nice! I'd always thought it was some inside-marketing joke :)
